It was a true pleasure to discuss solutions for the global climate challenge at the STS Forum 2022.
This year, we had the honor to address the global climate challenge & present DePoly technology in front of key policymakers in the fields of politics, business, and academia from around the world, during the Science and Technology in Society Forum 2022 in Kyoto, Japan.
It was a pleasure to contribute to STS Forum & pitch during the SwissTech event! Many thanks to the organizers, participants, and everyone that made such an important gathering happen!
Check out the final statement of the 19th Annual Meeting of the STS Forum.
DePoly’s technology recycles unsorted, dirty PET waste into virgin-grade raw materials. Those PET precursors, PTA and MEG, are used by the industry to produce new plastics without the need for fossil fuels, while diverting valuable materials from landfills and incineration.
DePoly SA –
Rue de l'Industrie 23, 1950 Sion, Valais, Suisse
DePoly SA –
Showcase Plant
Route de l'Ile au Bois, 1870 Monthey, Valais, Suisse
La technologie de DePoly recycle les déchets PET sales et non triés en matières premières de qualité vierge.
Ces précurseurs du PET, le PTA et le MEG, sont utilisés par l'industrie pour produire de nouveaux plastiques sans avoir recours aux combustibles fossiles, tout en détournant des matériaux précieux des décharges et de l'incinération.