
Voices of DePoly: Employee Spotlight - Moha Hlaiem

Introducing "Voices of DePoly"! In this new series, we unveil the stories behind the faces driving innovation at DePoly. Get ready to delve into the backgrounds, daily routines, and profound motivations of our team members as they share their experiences of being part of the DePoly Family.

For this first episode, we are excited to introduce Moha Hlaiem - Head of Engineering, as he takes us on a journey through his role, aspirations, and the remarkable impact DePoly has on our planet.

Who are you and what is your background?

"I’m Moha, originally from Tunis, and I am a chemical engineer by background, graduated from Université Paris-Saclay, France. Prior to joining DePoly, I worked as a project engineer in the sustainability field in Barcelona, Spain, and pursued a master's in waste management and renewable energy engineering. Now, as the Head of Engineering at DePoly, I lead our team in revolutionizing PET recycling."

How did you hear about DePoly?

"In 2021, while searching for an internship to complete my master's thesis, I discovered DePoly. Instantly captivated by the concept of infinitely recycling PET with a streamlined process, I wasted no time in applying."

How long have you been with DePoly?

"I've been part of DePoly's journey since March 2021. Initially joining as an intern, I quickly became deeply involved in our mission. It's hard to believe it's been three years already, feeling like just yesterday when I started alongside Chris, Sam, and Bardiya, who were wrapping up their PhDs. Time really flies!"

What do you do on a daily basis? What does a day in your shoes look like?

"After running to catch the train from Bern to Sion, I go quickly grab a coffee and head to the office where I dive into my role of optimizing and scaling our processes. Additionally, I oversee small-scale production for specific projects. My primary focus is ensuring smooth production operations, team alignment, and above all, fostering motivation as we strive toward a greater purpose than simply “Business”.

What do you like about your job? For example specific tasks or projects

"Combining my passion for engineering and management, my role at DePoly offers the perfect blend. The opportunity to upscale a process that promises to tackle one of the world's most pressing environmental challenges is incredibly fulfilling. I think this is what differentiates DePoly from many companies/start-ups. We don’t sell dreams, we live them!"

What brings you motivation in your activities?

"Beyond the tangible impact on our environment, it's the camaraderie and shared dedication within DePoly that fuel my motivation. Even though we are all coming from different corners of the world, you can see the excitement, curiosity, and the commitment that everyone has towards achieving the same goal! What can I add more? Lucky to be sharing this journey with wonderful human beings!”

How do you feel what you do at DePoly contributes to a more sustainable future?

"By optimizing and upscaling our processes, we're poised to offer scalable solutions to global plastic waste management. This not only reduces the CO2 footprint from virgin PET but also minimizes waste transportation between countries. Our localized, customizable solutions are tailored to address diverse needs and societal contexts, paving the way for a greener future."

Any advice for potential future DePoly employees?

"If you're ready to embrace a sustainable mission where every action makes a significant impact, don't think twice. Reach out to and be part of our transformative journey!"

What would you tell your younger self from 3 years ago, knowing what you know today?

"I'd share the wisdom my dad used to tell me: 'If it seems easy, you're doing it wrong!' Embracing sustainability has reaffirmed that hard work pays off, and I couldn't have chosen a more rewarding path."

DePoly’s technology recycles unsorted, dirty PET waste into virgin-grade raw materials. Those PET precursors, PTA and MEG, are used by the industry to produce new plastics without the need for fossil fuels, while diverting valuable materials from landfills and incineration.

DePoly SA –
Rue de l'Industrie 23, 1950 Sion, Valais, Switzerland

DePoly SA –
Showcase Plant
Route de l'Ile au Bois, 1870 Monthey, Valais, Switzerland

DePoly’s technology recycles unsorted, dirty PET waste into virgin-grade raw materials. Those PET precursors, PTA and MEG, are used by the industry to produce new plastics without the need for fossil fuels, while diverting valuable materials from landfills and incineration.

DePoly © 2024